Dr. Leo Sharashkin is the founder of horizontalhive.com and editor of Keeping Bees With a Smile, a compre-hensive resource on keeping bees naturally in horizontal hives. He is contributor to American Bee Journal, The Beekeepers Quarterly (UK), and Acres USA, and speaks internationally on sustainable beekeeping, organic growing, and earth-friendly living.
Keeping bees can be simple, healthful, and rewarding. Dr. Leo shares time-honored methods that take the sting out of beekeeping and make it fun and accessible to all. Experienced beekeepers – from backyard hobbyists to commercial – who seek ways to keep their bees treatment-free with minimal intervention and expense will glean a swath of ideas that can be applied to their existing operations.
Seminar Topics
Bees: The Beginning of Natural Beekeeping
Swarm Trapping, Local Bees & Genetics
Hive Design
Colony Management – Spring & Summer
Colony Management – Fall & Winter, Pests & Diseases
Early Bird
Online Sales open December 1, 2018 and close March 25, 2019
Members $20
Nonmembers $30
Lunch $8 At the Door
Members $30
Nonmembers $40
Lunch $10
BUY TICKETS: shenvalleybeekeepers.org/upcoming-events
Dr. Sharashkin - horizontalhive.com/index.shtml