Mark your calendars for our 100th anniversary meeting, June 15 & 16, at Roanoke College in Roanoke.
The speakers are: Tom Seeley, Professor at Cornell University and an outstanding researcher into the behavior and social life of honey bees; Kirsten Traynor, author of Two Million Blossoms: Discovering the Medicinal Benefits of Honey and co-author of Simple, Smart Beekeeping with Michael J. Traynor, she is also the new editor of American Bee Journal; Dewey Caron, Emeritus Professor of Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, Univ of Delaware, & Affiliate Professor, Dept Horticulture, Oregon State University, with 40+ years teaching and doing bee extension and bee research; and, Jessica Kern, who has been published in the American Bee Journal and teaches body mechanics for beekeepers, as a beekeeper, her primary focus is on queen rearing, small scale honey production and pollination. Workshops are scheduled for Saturday afternoon. We will have a workshop on the Driftwatch Program as well as workshops given by Tom, Kirsten and Jessica.
The program agenda with their topics will be in the next Virginia State Beekeepers Association newsletter and on the VSBA website later.
Dinner will be available at the college and after dinner we will have the MBP awards and 100th anniversary celebration. VSBA looks forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and celebration.
Registration information, hotels and vendors will be available in the next VSBA newsletter and on the website at a later date.
Deb Parker, Meeting Chair